Mykki Blanco dance on my soul

Oh Dear Lady Goddess Help me get caught in a rad bromance with this man, Mykki Blanco

I’m all sorts of adoring the costumes the wigs, the body positive images.

Thanks to my friend Legacy for flaring this one up in my global consciousness, but also Like I HAD THINGS to do today, and now i’m just stumbling through his back catalogue of videos, like that drunk guy in the super market that time, so Legacy I blame you.

Yeah imagine me in a digital space and thats what i’m looking like this fri friday.


Burning Man article finally done and well dusted.

ok, so here is the actual article I just finished on Burning Man, which I do think does less of a good job of summing it up then a picture of a semi circle of people, half worshiping the destruction of an effigy of the man does.

ANYWAY, here is an awesome burning man time Lapse.

i’ve never wanted to eat a car but…

I mean normally when I see a car i think two things about it, Does it have heated seats and is there an almost absurd amount of cup holders, because lord knows I may end up on some trans-national drive and need 4 of them in my immediate vicinity.

but now! thanks to the wonders of bread, (though not wonder bread, which is, lets get this straight, barely even bread in the first place.)

perhaps its called wonder bread, because one must wonder if it is bread.


But now, thanks to this, I am going to begin asking myself a third question, If this car was a food, would I eat it?

The answer is most likely always going to be Yes.

Pop stars, exploding cars

Considering how many cars have been blown up by pop stars it amazes me that the auto industry is not healthier.

item one:

watch christina climb back in the pop princess stage and blow up a car at the end of this video teaser.

item two:

Beyonce Be blowin up cars on the daily.

item three:

Mariah’s so intense she blows up cars before the beats even dropped.


Happy 1st birthday death of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is a year old. HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY. here are some awesomely adorable queer service men being all loved up and getting married, or just being all hot and gay together, or coming out to their parents. (anyway it was really hard to actually find any images that were not just like CRAZY gay army porn, as gay and army reveal like 80 BILLION  websites and videos, but very few of them are like love images, its mainly but sex.)

Fiercest wedding guest EVER 

GO girls

Talk about qualitaaaa back alignment


Either an angel watching over this, or there is a stuffed bird top left, either way AWESOME

look they can spell dick

tres adorbs

this is not actually porn, they are actually in love. HOT

I love holding hands almost as much as these two do

yeah but i totally shoot gay

And who could forget this cutie, who know teaches youtube videos on how to get RIPPED and shows of his rockin hot bod.

James Franco cruises?

WHAT a film about james franco cruising. I don’t even mind if it’s in order to stop a killer and is probably scary, it’s still james franco cruising around a gay bar dressed in leather.

random film still.

Also Travis Matthew’s makes some awesome movies. I loved “I want your love.” so i doubt that a film that combines his flashy fleshy porn aesthetic with Franco’s fabulous face can be anything besides awesome.